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Returns & Exchanges

What is your return / exchange policy?

We want you to love your Myles gear and we’re happy to offer free, no-hassle returns and exchanges on all U.S., Canadian and U.S. Military orders within 60 days after your order ships, unless the item is marked as "Final Sale" on our website. Returne

International order returns

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide pre-paid returns labels for addresses outside of the U.S and Canada at this time. International customers are responsible for return shipping. Please send your item to the following address and send us a note

How do I start a return or exchange?

Returns are easier than ever! We now offer two options for sending back your return or exchange:. RETURNS. 1. Drop it off for free at one of the thousands of Return Bar locations nationwide. To drop off your item(s):. 2. Print a shipping label and se